3 Tips from a Video Production Pro

Want some lessons from a professional video production pro? With years of experience and hundreds of videos created, we can provide some insights into how you can better create a high-quality video on a shoestring budget. Since it would be nice to have an unlimited budget, it is unrealistic. We realize that. So here are a couple of tips that can help you improve your DIY video. Remember, nothing beats a high-end camera, high-quality lighting, and the right audio components; but, you can get some decent video for your video blogs by following a couple of tips:

Know your angle. This doesnÔÇÖt mean the angle of your story, this means the angle of your camera. So many people use their iPhone to shoot some decent video. With the addition of HD video to many mobile phones, many people believe this provides the best there is. It simply doesnÔÇÖt; but, it can provide enough for some websites. If youÔÇÖre going to hold a phone to do a video, please hold it the right way. Think about your TV. Is it taller than it is wide, or wider than it is tall? ThatÔÇÖs the way you must hold your phone. In fact, most computer screens are shaped the same way. Shoot your video accordingly.

Steady as she goes. Even the pros use tripods. Holding a camera or phone steady is very difficult. DonÔÇÖt fight this fact. An expensive tripod isnÔÇÖt necessary, only something that will hold the camera steady. Remember, people want to watch your video, so make it appealing by making it steady.

Video isnÔÇÖt all.Lavlier, Audio, Video While it is usually referred to as video, one other important component is the audio. The audio can turn people off very quickly. If itÔÇÖs difficult to hear, has a strong echo, or the audio is muffled, youÔÇÖll want to add a lavalier microphone (or lapel microphone). These are relatively inexpensive (less than $50 at Amazon or Best Buy) and well worth the expense. We like to say that ÔÇ£A professionally produced video can draw clients in just as easily as a poorly produced one can drive them away.ÔÇØ

If you must do your own video, we hope these tips help. Every single tip listed here was inspired by at least one DIY video that weÔÇÖve been exposed to when sitting down with potential clients. These are the things that they donÔÇÖt like about their video and call us to fix. Video is more difficult than it seems, so donÔÇÖt be afraid to call us for some other tips!

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