Interesting Stats About Video & Online Marketing

ipad with analytics used during meeting┬áproduced a list of interesting advertising stats from various sources on the internet. It shows us that most people are ok with video advertising on the web, but, as you’ll see, there are some formats that work better than others. Here’s some of the list:

  • Want to engage your customers (or potential customers)? 44%┬áof US email marketers report increased engagement rates in messages containing video.
  • One fourth of viewing times of streaming video on tablets is spent with contact more than 60 minutes long.
  • Each minute, the equivalent of 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube!
  • Time of advertising videos:
    • 13% are less than 15 seconds
    • 36% are longer than 30 seconds
    • 72% of in-stream online videos ads are watched to their completion
    • 79% of in-stream online videos ads are watched to their midpoints
  • 27 Times. That’s the multiple of consumers that are likely to click through online video (versus a banner ad).
  • Digital video advertising (US) will reach at least $5.4 Billion by 2016 (while in 2011, it was $2 Billion)
  • 65% of online business-to-consumer marketers use YouTube, compared to 61% for business-to-business.

Here’s what some of these stats mean to you. Remember how pop-ups were the best way to advertise? Every website used them…and they were very successful. Now, they’re just annoying. Not to say that video will be annoying, because it probably won’t unless it is used improperly, we believe we are on the largest increase in the use of video for digital marketing. We believe that every branding and advertising campaign should include a component of video. Whether online or on television, it is where potential customers can best understand you.

We like to say that if a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth 1.8 million words. Don’t know why that math works, check out how we came to that number at our previous post about a Video is Worth 1.8 Million Words.

There are more stats at the original article, but we wanted to share with you the highlights that you most likely will want to know.

Source: Abramovich, G. (2013). 15 Mind-Blowing Stats About Online Video Advertising. Retrieved from: on May 1, 2014. 

If a Picture Is Worth 1000 Words…Video is Worth 1,800,000!

image of person holding sign that says a picture is worth a thousand words

We’ve had people ask, how in the world do you get 1.8 million words from a video? So, let us show you (I know, the picture says 1 million, but it’s actually 1.8 million).

If we all agree that a picture is worth 1,000 words… And we shoot video at 30 frames per second (fps) That gives us 1000 x 30 = 30,000 words every second!

And we shoot the video to a length of 60 seconds…

30,000 words / second * 60 seconds =

1.8 million words!

Why is this important? If you are thinking about resetting your website or changing the way it looks, a video is a great way to add a stronger message or call to action. Nothing says “Here’s what we do,” “Here’s what are customers say,” and “Here are the results,” better than video!

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